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NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧
NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧

Bu Yin Tang

Tang-kuei & Rehmannia Combination Capsules | 補陰湯
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SKU 866B

Ingredients: Tang-kuei root (dang gui), White peony root (bai shao), Raw rehmannia root (sheng di huang), Oriental ginseng root, Hoelen fungus (fu ling), Anemarrhena root (zhi mu), Phellodendron bark (huang bai), Achyranthes root (niu xi), Scurfy-pea seed (bu gu zhi), Fennel fruit (xiao hui xiang), Eucommia bark (du zhong), Cooked rehmannia root (shu di huang), Citrus peel (chen pi), Chinese licorice root (gan cao).

Mandarin: 補陰湯
Pin-Yin: Bu Yin Tang
English: Tang-kuei & Rehmannia Combination
Romaji: Ho In To
Kanji: 補陰湯
Kampo: No




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