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NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧
NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧

Our Story


About Our Founder, Dr. Hong-yen Hsu

Dr. Hong-yen Hsu devoted his life to the study of Chinese herbal therapy. More significantly, is how he shared this knowledge. Dr. Hsu brought Chinese medicine to the attention of the western medical and scientific community by playing a key role in standardizing English nomenclature of Chinese herbs and formulas. As a prolific author, publisher, and teacher in Chinese herbal pharmacology, botany, and traditional medicine, he published dozens of books and hundreds of articles. He readily shared scientific research, classical knowledge, and clinical experience.

Dr. Hsu forever changed Chinese medicine through his many roles in the industry. While still pursuing a PhD in Pharmacy at Kyoto University, he was inspired by the automation technology in Japan. This led him to develop groundbreaking approaches in Chinese herbal standardization, extraction and quality control upon his return to Taiwan. His progressive methods earned him the title of “Father of Scientific Chinese Herbal Extraction”. The culmination of his expertise led him to found Sun Ten Global, whose mission is to harvest herbs and harness its therapeutic effects while safeguarding with scientific methods.

As the director of the Bureau of Drug Control in the Department of Health, Taiwan’s equivalent to the US Food & Drug Administration, he was the first to establish standards to safeguard consumer health. Dr. Hsu shaped countless careers as a faculty member at numerous medical colleges in Taiwan. He established the Brion Research Institute of Taiwan to specifically focus on herbal drug research. The institute continues to innovate and in recent years, achieved recognition for piloting a comprehensive Multiple Analysis Platform (MAP) which allows for full analysis of herb markers while monitoring for contaminants such as heavy metals.

His lifelong vision centered on bridging the east-west cultural interchange. The United States represented a crucial opportunity to further disseminate Chinese medicine. After establishing Sun Ten USA in Southern California, he launched a nonprofit educational organization, Oriental Healing Arts Institute (OHAI). OHAI is committed to realizing Dr. Hsu’s vision through literary works and education programs. The Sun Ten Museum was also later founded with his wife on the premise that “Medicine heals the body, culture nurtures the soul”. The USA based museum amassed an impressive collection that shines a light on the past 100 years of art and history in Taiwan. Dr. Hong-Yen Hsu passed in 1991, leaving behind an impressive legacy. Sun Ten continues to look to modern science to secure the future of Chinese herbal extraction.

  • Doctor of Pharmacy, Meiji Pharmaceutical College and the Pharmacognosy Department of Tokyo University, Japan
  • Researcher, Department of Pharmaceutical Science at the University of Tokyo
  • Professor and researcher, National Taiwan University, National medical colleges at Taipei, Taichung, and Kaohsiung, 1945
  • Director, Taiwan Provincial Drug Control Bureau of the National Health Administration
  • Founder, Sun Ten Global, 1946
  • Dean of Botany, Chinese Culture University
  • Director, Institute of Pharmacological Science at the China Medical College
  • Founder, Brion Research Institute of Taiwan
  • Founder, Oriental Healing Arts Institute, 1976, California
  • Co-Founder, Sun Ten Museum with his wife, Hsu Ring-lin, 1996, California

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