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The Essence and Scientific Background of Tongue Diagnosis

SKU T-407

By Ze-lin Chen, M.D. & Mei-fang Chen, M.D.

This thorough exposition of tongue diagnosis by two of China’s distinguished specialists is intended as a reference for researchers, TCM practitioners, and students of Chinese medicine. An English translation and updated version of the Chinese language Research on Tongue Inspection, Tongue Diagnosis, illustrates the mechanisms associated with various classes of tongue features, as well as pathological changes to the tongue. Among the outstanding features of this book are:

  • A clear and systematic description of tongue characteristics (color, shape, and coating) and their relationships to the TCM diagnostic process
  • 62 black-and-white and 103 color photographs which illustrate the diagnostic classes
  • 650 case studies which serve as the basis for a complete diagnostic guide
  • A thorough and scholarly look at the history of tongue diagnosis
  • A discussion of modern methods of tongue inspection, including electron microscopy and biochemical assays.

(Hardcover, 352 pgs.)

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