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Sun Ten Astragalus Slices - 1 lbs / Huang Qi


Experience the remarkable Natureceutica Difference with our attentively cultivated Astragalus Roots. Harnessing the power of the sun, these roots are dried to preserve their natural purity and potency. To uphold our uncompromising premium quality standards, each batch undergoes a rigorous purity evaluation before shipment. Further solidifying our promise of quality and transparency, every product we offer comes with the backing of a Certificate of Analysis. Choosing Natureceutica Astragalus Roots means choosing an unwavering commitment to superior quality and your health.

NO Sulfur Dioxide Fumigation, NO Pesticides, NO Preservatives, No Additives.

Content: 1 lb (16 oz)

Check out our recipe for Healthy Astragalus-Infused Miso Soup with Tofu and Vegetables

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