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FREE NuWonder Immune Extra Protection with the purchase of RespireAid! CODE: NUW24Z
FREE NuWonder Immune Extra Protection with the purchase of RespireAid! CODE: NUW24Z

Wu Lin San

Gardenia & Hoelen Formula Capsules | 五淋散
Practitioners: Please LOGIN to view the wholesale price. This item can only be purchased by a licensed practitioner. Find a practitioner
SKU 322B

Ingredients: Poria rubra (chi fu ling), Radix Angelicae sinensis (dang gui), Radix Glycyrrhizae (gan cao), Fructus Gardeniae (shan zhi zi), Radix Paeoniae rubra (chi shao), Medulla Junci (deng xin cao).

Mandarin: 五淋散
Pin-Yin: Wu Lin San
English: Gardenia & Hoelen Formula
Romaji: Gorin San
Kanji: 五淋散
Kampo: No



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