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NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧
NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧

Jia Wei Gui Pi Tang

Ginseng, Longan & Bupleurum Combination Capsules | 加味歸脾湯
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SKU 351B

Ingredients: Astragalus root (huang qi), Oriental ginseng root, Atractylodes root (bai zhu), Hoelen fungus (fu ling), Chinese licorice root (gan cao), Jujube fruit (da zao), Longan fruit, Polygala root (yuan zhi), Zizyphus seed (suan zao ren), Aucklandia lappa root (mu xiang), Tang-kuei root (dang gui), Gardenia fruit (zhi zi), Bupleurum root (chai hu), Dry Ginger root (gan jiang).

Mandarin: 加味歸脾湯
Pin-Yin: Jia Wei Gui Pi Tang
English: Ginseng, Longan, & Bupleurum Combination
Romaji: Kami Kihi To
Kanji: 加味帰脾湯
Kampo: No



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