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NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧
NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧

Dao Shui Fu Ling Tang

Hoelen, Atractylodes & Areca Combination Capsules | 導水茯苓湯
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SKU 394B

Ingredients: Red poria sclerotium (chi fu ling), Atractylodes root (bai zhu), Alisma root (ze xie), Chaenomeles fruit (mu gua), Areca seed (bing lang zi), Ophiopogon root (mai men dong), Juncus pith (deng xin cao), Citrus peel (chen pi), Aucklandia lappa root (mu xiang), Cardamon fruit (suo sha), White mulberry bark (sang bai pi), Perilla leaf (zi su ye), Areca peel (da fu pi).

Updated - Product Info (01)

Mandarin: 導水茯苓湯
Pin-Yin: Dao Shui Fu Ling Tang
English: Hoelen, Atractylodes, & Areca Combination
Korean: 도적산
Romaji: Dosui Bukuryo To
Kanji: 導水茯苓湯
Kampo: No

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