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NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧
NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧

Zhi Sou San

Platycodon & Schizonepeta Formula Granules | 止嗽散
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SKU 678

Ingredients: Platycodon root (jie geng), Schizonepeta herb (jing jie), Aster root (zi wan), Stemona root (bai bu), Cynanchum root (bai qian), Chinese licorice root (gan cao), Citrus peel (chen pi).

Mandarin: 止嗽散
Pin-Yin: Zhi Sou San
English: Platycodon & Schizonepeta Formula
Romaji: Shi So San
Kanji: 止嗽散
Kampo: No



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