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NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧
NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧

Jian Gu

Practitioners: Please LOGIN to view the wholesale price. This item can only be purchased by a licensed practitioner. Find a practitioner

Ingredients: Cured rehmannia root tuber (shu di huang), Asiatic dogwood fruit without seed (shan zhu you), Chinese yam rhizome (shan Yao), Eucommia stem bark (du zhong), Lyceum fruit (gou qi zi), Chinese dodder seed (tu si zi), Cassia bark (rou gui), Cured Sichuan aconite lateral root (pao fu zi), Cervus elaphus Linnaeus antler glue (lu jiao jiao), Dong quai root (dang gui), Morinda root (ba ji tian), Sichuan teasel root (xu duan), Chinese salvia root & rhizome (dan shen).

Updated - Product Info (01)

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