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NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧
NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧

Juan Tong

Practitioners: Please LOGIN to view the wholesale price. This item can only be purchased by a licensed practitioner. Find a practitioner

Short-dated sale - no refund or exchanges. MFG 8/2022

Ingredients: Siler root (fang feng), Chinese lovage root & rhizome (gao ben), Notopterygium root & rhizome (qiang huo), Sichuan lovage rhizome (chuan xiong), Fragrant angelica root (bai zhi), Round-leaf chaste tree fruit (man jing zi), Ophiopogon root tuber (mai dong), Cang-zhu atractylodes rhizome (cang zhu), Chrysanthemum flower (ju hua), Pubescent angelica root (du huo), Chinese skullcap root (huang qin), Dong quai root (dang gui), Ginger rhizome (sheng jiang), Chinese licorice root (gan cao), Corydalis yanhusuo tuber (yan hu suo).


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