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NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧
NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧

Deng Hua Bai Du San

Ludwigia Formula Capsules | 燈花敗毒散
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SKU 460B

Ingredients: Hoelen fungus (fu ling), Polyporus sclerotium (zhu ling), Dry ginger root (gan jiang), Polygonum herb (bian xu), Chinese rhubara root (da huang), Alisma root (ze xie), Ludwigia herb (shui deng xiang), Lithospermum root (zi cao), Gleditsia spine thorn (zao ci).

Mandarin: 燈花敗毒散
Pin-Yin: Deng Hua Bai Du San
English: Ludwigia Formula
Romaji: Toka Haidoku San
Kanji: 灯花敗毒散
Kampo: No

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