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NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧
NEW Product -- Sun Ten Natural Herbal Throat Soothing Drops 💧

Lung Wellness

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The short 5-day protocol vegan version of our best seller 671B, Jing Fie San.

Ingredients: Gypsum (shi gao), Bupleurum (chai hu), Poria (fu ling), Dioscorea (shan yao), Schizonepeta (jing jie), Siler (fang feng), Pogostemon (guang huo xiang), Apricot Seed (ku xing ren), Cinnamon Twigs (gui zhi), Alisma (ze xie), Polyporus (zhu ling), White Atractylodes (bai zhu), Pinellia (jiang ban xia), Fresh Ginger (sheng jiang), Aster (zi wan), Eriobotrya (pi pa ye), Belamcanda (she gan), Notopterygium (qiang huo), Scute (huang qin), Aurantium (zhi shi), Citrus Peel (chen pi), Baked Licorice (zhi gan cao).

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